Advanced booking is greatly appreciated and highly recommended.
The donation for our arrangement should be in an envelope and left in clear view for me to see upon my arrival. Never make me ask for it.
Have your ID available for me to inspect.If you don't trust me enough to show your ID then you need to look elsewhere for companionship.This is for safety reasons only.
To fully enjoy a meeting, you must be freshly showered, well-groomed, smell nice, and have minty-fresh breath. Please be respectful and always be a gentleman. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
Please do not over stay our date. If you would like to extend our time, please ask me if I have additional time available and provide additional donation for the time you would like to spend.
First impressions count. When contacting me, be polite and discreet as you would with anyone else you are meeting for the first time.
If we have not met, please SMS me with as much information as you feel comfortable providing (eg, your first name, age, general appearance, interests etc). Please be discreet and do not use explicit language. Do not text me with "Hi", "Hello", "How's it going", "What are you up to" or "Can I see you tonight" without sending me any information about yourself. Calls from private numbers will not be answered.
Do not discuss any exchange of money, services or illegal activity before or during our meeting, either over the phone or in person.
Please have your contribution in an envelope with 'GIFT' written on it. It should be left in clear view for me to see upon arrival.
Be respectful, polite and considerate as a gentleman would on any date. Respect my boundaries if you notice that I am retreating from your touch, especially if we have just met. Offer me a drink and invite me to sit down and engage in some light conversation before 'pouncing'. Your kindness, generosity, and chivalry will be appreciated and rewarded.
Do not degrade other people or bring up negativity during our date. Bringing up bad experiences or insulting your colleagues, friends or family members does not contribute to a memorable date.
If you wish to extend our time, please suggest that at the start of the date, and, as a gentleman, provide the additional contribution for the time you would like to spend. Please respect that I may not be able to accommodate your request depending on my availability.
Do not suggest anything unsafe, be rude, aggressive, swear, give orders or demand things. Do not use or offer me drugs. Do not ask me anything relating to my work, clients or peers.
Do not offer to date me, live with you, buy me dinner or drinks, go to the movies, "hang out" with you or visit you, without compensating me for my time. I might enjoy spending time with you but this is business.
I reserve the right to end our date on the spot if you do not abide by any of my etiquette and will not refund your contribution.
Tips or gifts are always appreciated but never expected. If you would like to surprise me, I would appreciate anything you present with affection.
Your contribution is for my time and companionship only and they are not negotiable.